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Toinen blogi. Uskonnollisia ilmiöitä maailmalta.

Mindlift TV:n Youtubekanava sisältää haastiksia mm. Hakim Beyltä, Wilsonilta, Learyltä…

Hollywood takes action hero Jesus to India

Kivun psykologiasta.

there is now a great deal of evidence that we can explain how pain is maintained through social and psychological explanations.

Ja jollain lailla edelliseen liittyen: Relic of St. John Chrysostom reportedly working miracles

I touched a UFO: ex-air force pilot

“Nothing in my training prepared me for what we were witnessing,” said James Penniston, a retired US Air Force pilot, as he described seeing and touching a UFO when he was stationed at a British air base in Woodbridge.

Religious Scholars to Discuss ‘Flying Spaghetti Monster’

You’re No Genius? Don’t Worry. You Can Still Beef Up Your Brain With a Little Effort.

Does the color red really impair performance on tests?
Hitto, meikän Windowsin työpöytä on ollut jo jonkin aikaa tumman punainen. Ilmonkos asiat meneekin päin helvettiä.

Colors of Religion: Paganism

New Freeman Perspective: Paul Laffoley interview

How to dispel misconceptions of magick and the occult

A quantum theory of dreams?

In Good Faith – Cast Out Demons

Researchers suggest Iraq war was centrally motivated from an Extraterrestrial-inspired religion

Esoteric Science Roundtable – Occult Warfare

The Hour’s and Disinformation – Things You’re Not Supposed to Know

Are you being lied to? Has your country almost been nuked? Is Barbie based on a German sex doll? Well the answer, according to the guys at Disinformation, is yes. On all counts.

Stories like that are Disinformation’s bread and butter. They publish them in books called 50 Things You’re Not Supposed to Know. Now they’ve teamed up with The Hour to produce a “50 Things” series. The Hour’s Disinformation clips will be posted here weekly.

Doug Rushkoff on the Technologies of Persuasion


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